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About Brands & People

Welcome to the world of influence where we provide content and product for all the brands and people that make a difference in our lives.

Who we are

Brands and People are what drive me professionally and personally. My FALLO CORP development business is the vehicle behind the creative force of Brands and People both as a brand and as a window into the influences that help shape our lives, our style, our likes, our loves and wants and needs.


Its aim is to be a full capsule of inspiration and influencers, a community of great stuff that can be purchased.

Developing product can be a difficult task considering todays macro political and supply chain environments but Its always as simple as being focused on making great stuff that people want.

The challenges that sets B&P and FALLO apart is the passion, stamina, and determination to make it great and to Getting it done and into the market… that is the juice that feeds us. Other than maybe having your song sung back you by a sold-out theatre helping a brand create a product and see its success is an awesome feeling.

My Vision

My vision for this brand has always been that it sits next to the brands and the people that inspire it ….my friends, my peers, my clients, the entities that inspire me, you … Our products will showcase effective design and ingredients that offer awesome value to like-minded items. Its forward in its thought and execution even when we hint at the past.

I won’t ever have an item on this site that I would not use myself or feel passionate for. We will eventually complement our mens uniform with a unisex line of Basics and hopefully splash into some unique women’s categories as well. All in good time.

I hope you enjoy our Journal as it intends to provide you with a snippet of conversation and personality of the brands and the people that make them what they are. Just like you I want to know more about these awesome creative forces that weave thru our lives.

Now you know….

FYI whenever you want to voice your opinion or concerns or have interest in collaboration, please hit me up at

Until then travels , live life and love life.
